
A Windy Discovery About the Benefits of Positive Stress

A Windy Discovery About the Benefits of Positive Stress

In the late 1980s, a group of researchers, architects, and engineers built Biosphere 2, an experimental enclosed ecosystem in the Arizona desert. The structure was designed to simulate a closed-off environment that could sustain life independent of the outside world. Inside, there were different biomes, including a rainforest, a savannah, and an ocean with a coral reef.

One of the biggest surprises that the Biosphere 2 experiment revealed was the importance of wind in the growth and health of trees. Without the natural movement of air, the trees inside Biosphere 2 struggled to thrive. This discovery was a significant reminder of the importance of studying natural ecosystems to better understand our environment's needs.

What does this have to do with stress?

Like trees, humans also need certain types of stress to thrive. The right amount of stress can help us grow,

Rankings + Happiness, College Apps + Stress

A recent New York Times article interviewed 11 high school seniors about their journey through the college application process this past year.

Some of the commentaries is perhaps obvious on the surface— no, attending a higher-ranked college will not lead to a happier life. But, if you stop and seriously think— do I really know that to be true in my full self? There might still be a tiny part of you that questions if there might not be some truth to it. And that’s okay!

As a culture, we are obsessed with rankings, including college rankings, so how can that not influence you even a little bit? Where we can get stuck is in the part of our thinking minds that knows— I don’t cognitively believe a particular outcome will make me happier, but in my heart, I want to be happy, so if there’s something that might make me happier, then I want that! Even if it’s not related to rankings, it can be really helpful to reflect honestly about what are my unconscious expectations or hopes about this application process or about my time in school?